Three for Three: The Bushwick Book Club Seattle and Hugo House Presents original Music inspired by The Seattle7Writers.

Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 7:30pm

  • All Ages
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The Bushwick Book Club Seattle, Hugo House, and Seattle7writers are excited to present Three for Three, where 3 local authors and 9 musicians join together to create a live event of music and words on the Hugo House stage. Three authors are paired with 3 musicians apiece, who create music inspired by the authors book.

Seattle7writers and Bushwick Musicians:

Frank M. Young and David Laskin’s The Family

·      Tom Rorem

·      Alice Howe

·      Levi Fuller

Donna Miscolta’s When the de La Cruz Family Danced

·      Jaspar Lepak

·      Matt Price

·      Mike McDermott

David Lasky’s The Carter Family

·      Wes Weddell

·      Robert Deeble

·      Amanda Sue Winterhalter


Presented by: The Bushwick Book Club Seattle, Hugo House and Seattle7writers.


Bushwick Book Club Seattle is not your run of the mill book club.  Much like any, we act upon the urge to read and to have discussions about what we read.  But we found that this was not enough for us.  When we read books, we also want to write songs about them.  And when we write songs, we like to perform them for an audience.  Our mission is to deliver literature, music, and songwriting to the Seattle community while building the next generation of musicians and readers.

Richard Hugo House

1634 11th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98122

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Richard Hugo House