Artist Trust 30th Birthday Party
Saturday, October 22 | 7PM
To celebrate Artist Trust's 30th, we're bringing dozens of artists that we've supported together, to create art, perform, read, dance, play music, and more!
Humaira Abid / Iole Alessandrini / Juventino Aranda / Zachary Burns / Romson Bustillo / Blake Chamberlain / Michelle de la Vega / Ryan Feddersen / Dakota Gearhart / Leah Gerrard / Ari Glass / Lori Goldston / Dayna Hanson / Vic Haven / Gary Hill / Andrew Hoeppner / Jessica Hoffman / Jan Hopkins / Jenny Hyde / Mari Ichimasu / Todd Jannausch / Britta Johnson / Christopher Paul Jordan / Lisa Kinoshita / Robert Lashley / Cheryll Leo-Gwin / Stacey Levine / Holly Ballard Martz / Cathy McClure / Fiona McGuigan / Marilyn Montufar / Tyna Ontko / Mary Ann Peters / Clyde Petersen / Kristen Ramirez / George Rodriguez / Paul Rucker / Austin Stiegemeier / Anca Szilagyi / Barbara Earl Thomas / Elissa Washuta / Ellen Ziegler / More TBA!
Among the art, we will also be eating, drinking, partying, dancing, and celebrating the artists and all who have helped Artist Trust in the last 30 years. Buy your ticket today, and we'll see you there!