Climate Science on Tap Presents: Energy and Climate Policy at the Crossroads - Will the World Act on Climate Change Fast Enough?
Tue, Dec 12, 2017 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Two years ago nations came together for an inspiring, yet overdue climate agreement. Now Trump climate deniers control EPA. Stronger action by State governments may hold hope for the enactment of critical energy and climate policy. Learn from these top experts about the prospects and policy strategies for addressing world energy needs without climate-changing fossil fuels. What can Washington State do? What can we each do?
Panelists: Reed Schuler, J.D., Climate Policy Advisor to Governor Inslee; LuAnne Thompson, Ph.D., Oceanographer, UW Program on Climate Change; Nick Touran, Ph.D., Nuclear Physicist, TerraPower. Moderator: P. Sean McDonald, Ph.D., UW Program on the Environment & School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences.
Come, enjoy the moderated discussion, and bring your questions. Have dinner at the food truck, beer or cider, and a lively conversation around the tables! Find out how you can play a role in climate policy.