Grace Love & The Dirty Church. Gifted Youngstaz, DJ LeopoldBloom
Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 9pm
- 21+
Grace Love and the Dirty Church
Grace Love has spent the last decade working to bring soul music back to the forefront of the Seattle music scene. Collaborating with a local pool of talented musicians who are committed to keeping soul alive and thriving in the northwest, Miss Love is beloved and respected for her powerful live performances and unmistakable voice.
Whether playing with the California Honeydrops, backing Melissa Etheridge or playing to industry giant Quincy Jones, Grace Loves voice cuts through the crowd, leaving listeners transported and inspired.
KEXP’s Dusty Henry interviewed Love for the Local Artist Spotlight program and describes Love as “something of an icon in the Northwest…Love’s voice has emerged as a defining focal point. Her vibrant performances have continued to convert fans over the years, feeling like celebrations in themselves.”
Gifted Youngstaz
DJ Leopold Bloom
$10/$13 9pm 21+