Cascadia Climate Action presents Climate Science on Tap A Tale of Two Crises: Climate Change in the Time of Coronavirus

Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 7pm

at Live Online
  • Zoom Webinar format
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Details for joining the Zoom panel discussion will be provided to ticketholders 5-7 days prior to the event. Get your beer ready! Questions for the panelists can be submitted prior to the start of the event using this form.


Global warming and pandemics are arguably existential global threats and both require aggressive international action, institutional leadership, structural reform, and behavior change to address. Yet these challenges have fundamental differences.

So, can the response to the novel coronavirus teach us anything about dealing with climate change? Or will the disease derail progress in curbing emissions? And what are lockdowns teaching scientists about our planet's systems?

The next enthralling episode in the Climate Science on Tap series highlights these contemporary crises facing our society. Join us for thought-provoking presentations and Q&A. We bet it’s the most interesting thing you can do while sheltering in place!


Kimberly Cartier, Ph.D., EOS Science News by the American Geophysical Union
Eric de Place, M.A., Director, Thin Green Line, Sightline Institute
Nives Dolsak, Ph.D., School of Marine and Environmental Studies, University of Washington
Moderator:  P. Sean McDonald, Ph.D., Program on the Environment, University of Washington
(Affiliations for identification purposes only.  Speakers are not representing their institutions.)

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Want to donate to support the ongoing work of Cascadia Climate Action, including Climate Science on Tap events, the Climate Events calendar, the Update newsletter, and other outreach? Donate here through our nonprofit fiscal sponsor, CascadiaNow! As you well know, this is a tenuous time for small nonprofits and for the climate movement. Anything you can pitch in will go a long way to support Cascadia Climate Action's programs. Thanks!

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