Taking Pride in Capitol Hill, A Community Clean-Up Event (formerly "Clean Sweep")

Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 9:30am

at Cal Anderson Park
This event has passed.

If you would still like to attend, we will likely be able to accommodate you. Please come to Cal Anderson Park after 9:30am. There may be a slight wait. We will be prioritizing pre-registration for t-shirts but we will be able to accommodate everyone who wants to join in and help us clean Capitol Hill for Pride month! 

For years, we've been kicking off Pride month with a community clean-up event. This year may feel a bit...different...but the need to come together and serve the community is greater than ever. Please be sure to mask-up, keep 6' between you and other people who aren't part of your household. We will have plenty of room to spread out. We'll give you a free t-shirt, feed you a breakfast snack/coffee as well as pizza for lunch. Event compliant with all department of health COVID guidelines to keep everyone safe!

9:00-10:00 Registration/Check-in
10:00-10:15 Welcome Remarks
10:15-12:00 Clean up the streets of Capitol Hill
12:00-1:00 Lunch

Cal Anderson Park

1635 11th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122

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Cal Anderson Park