Consent & Ethical Non-Monogamy
Thu, Jul 22, 2021 from 6pm - 7:30pm (Pacific)
Lots of people in this day and age are turning to the practice of Ethical Non-Monogamy in order to spice up an existing relationship, get their needs filled, and to express who they are. As more and more people step outside the bounds of a monogamous relationship there are a lot of questions that come up, especially around what is consensual and how do you practice consent when you’re involved with multiple people at the same time.
Join us for this 90 minute workshop to delve into these questions and more. We'll talk about how consent plays in to multiple aspects of non-monogamy. We'll look at some tools you can use in building your relationships. And we'll examine ways you can insert consent into your practice to make things safer and happier for everyone.
This workshop is open to folx already practicing non-monogamy, those who are interested in starting, and anyone who is just interested in consensual relationships.
Prerequisites: None. Consent Basics is a good class to start with if you want more information before delving into specifics. We will not be covering the general practice of Ethical Non-Monogamy as part of this curriculum.
Important Notes:
- This is an online discussion. You must register before the day of the session. Zoom link and instructions will be emailed an hour or so before the workshop begins.
- Open to all 18+
- All sexes, genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, relationship orientations welcome and celebrated
- Class size is limited to 30 participants. Tickets are 1st Come/1st Served.
- Please let us know by email ( if you have any access needs or things that would aid in your learning.
About the Educators:
The Consent Academy is an educational collective with dedicated educators, coaches, and activists who provide quality consent training and consultations. We promote Consent Culture through education, speaking out, and supporting organizations along their consent journey. Our classes are taught by a rotation of available educators using curriculum developed and shared by all of us. Where possible, we try to teach in pairs. If you have questions about a class or who is signed up to teach it, please email us:
Presented by the Consent Academy: