Weird, Wild & Wonderful Wednesdays presents "Prayer of the Rollerboys"

What's scarier than Corey Haim in rollerblades?

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Weird, Wild and Wonderful Wednesdays, a product of Make Believe Seattle, devoted to re-appraising 80's and 90's cult cinema and introducing a new generation to forgotten classics. What could be scarier than Corey Haim in rollerblades? How about Corey Haim in rollerbladers firing a machine gun with Patricia Arquette not far behind? Why, yes, it's 1990's "Prayer of the Rollerboys", a very, very, ridciulous take on "Point Break" a couple years before "Point Break" existed. Tickets are $15.

Northwest Film Forum - Theatre 2

1515 12th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122

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Northwest Film Forum - Theatre 2