Queering Tantra presents Pleasure and Healing: genital massage, breathwork, and tantric meditation for better, more connected sex. Part Three

Sat, Mar 29 from 12pm - 2pm

at Gallery Erato
Duo Entry
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Entry for two
with fees $44.57
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Duo Entry
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Entry for two plus a $15 donation to our Pay-It-Forward Scholarship fund
with fees $60.52
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Join Rogue Ryder for this couples (or moresomes) workshop to learn tantric massage and meditation, somatic curiosity and breathwork, as avenues to discover yourself and your partner(s) in a new and ever-unfolding way! Using meditation we cultivate practice with ourselves and explore focusing our attention where we would like it to go. Using touch we connect ourselves to another to be curious and explore sensations and pleasure. Using breathwork we access alternative ways to be present with a partner. This workshop is for couples(or moresomes), straight and queer, who desire to: learn more about their anatomy, rewrite sexual societal and gendered scripts, learn genital massage for pleasure and healing (practicing on partner(s), connect more deeply with partners, and meditation techniques.

This workshop is a three-parter* and gender expansive. Using touch, curiosity, and breath you will be taught multi-step tools for learning and noticing what sensations, wounding, and pleasure potential you store in your pelvic floor and genital tissue.

*You do not need to attend all 3 workshops. It is recommended you attend at least one massage workshop and the follow-up for Q&A and more practice time.

Please feel free to contact me with questions at rogueryder@queeringtantra.com

Part 3:
Follow-up session for questions, more meditation, ongoing touch practice. All genders and anatomy welcome!


NOTE: (While we will be focusing one day on each of the binaried gendered genitals for massage, you are encouraged to show up for what aligns most with your gender expression and desire for discovery. While I use descriptive terms here, in workshop we can use a breadth of words to describe whatever the colorful spectrum of people who attend call their anatomy! AND nothing is required, if you have a vulva and do not like penetration, you can practice only what you feel comfortable with and you will still find value in attending.).

Important Information:

  • Pay-what-you-can scholarships are available for all Pan Eros Foundation workshops. If you need financial assistance, please email Leah at education@pan-eros.org
  • No late entry will be allowed due to the intimate nature of this workshop. Doors will be locked at 10 minutes after the start time.
  • Water available. Please bring your own cup or bottle
  • Open to all 18+
  • Attendance is limited to 12 duos.
  • All sexes, genders, races, ethnicities, bodies, body types, sexual orientations, relationship orientations, abilities welcome and celebrated.
  • Please let us know by email if you have any access needs or things that would aid in your learning.
  • Questions may be directed to: education@pan-eros.org


About the Educator:

Rogue is a queer, kinky, genderfucked sensual educator, pleasure excavator, and tantric guide; a multi-ethnic performer, artist, and athlete. As such, they were fed up with tantra being dominated by cis-het dudes in linen pants, and people spiritually bypassing very real worldly traumas. They started Queering Tantra 8 years ago as sensual guidance for the whole person to step outside the dominant societal norms of most sex and tantra. The queering lens gives us more freedom and accessibility, for all bodies and sexualities.

Their practice combines BDSM/kink, Tibetan tantra, somatic awareness, breathwork, movement, and a number of other tools. As a certified athletic trainer with a background in dance, combat sports, and rock climbing, they bring a very unique mixture of play, practice, and praxis to all their work.

Find them at Queeringtantra.com

Gallery Erato

309 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104

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