5.16: 8585 FISH
Fri, May 16 at 7pm
MC: Buddy Elledge
Inspired by Salon of Shame with a great tagline: Exploiting Your Misspent Youth for Laughs. We want to create a special evening full of laughter, empathy and connections over our embarrassing youth, all in sign language!
For non-signers, 8585 FISH is written ASL slang used by Deaf people that can have a lot of nuances and has no direct English translation. 8585 can mean whoa, in awe, incredible, wow! FISH (sometimes spelled FSH) can mean no way, I don’t believe it, are you serious?
We invite you to join us as we drink and exploit our younger selves for your entertainment! The idea is simple: folks read on stage from their worst adolescent writing, including middle school diaries, high school poetry, unsent letters, etc.