Vertical Cabaret: Femme Fatale
Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 8pm
Vertical Cabaret: Femme Fatale
With our sexy and mysterious Professor to guide the way, as well as a wily old-school detective asking all the right questions, you’ll be transported through history, learning just what is a Femme Fatale, and what makes her so alluring and dangerous. The iconic Femme Fatale has inspired scores of works of literature, film, and theater; but little research has been done to understand the story behind the story: the real story of the Femme Fatale. In our newest Vertical Cabaret production we set out to tell their stories and showcase the intimate personas of these iconic characters.
Principal Cast:
Holly Bordeaux, Mark Siano, Tequila Mockingbird, Jane Carter, Bridget Gunning, Boom Boom L'Roux and Kittenscratch
Guest Appearences: 9/16 Lou Landers 10/21 Brian Wolf and 11/18 Jamilla Deville
About the Bordeaux Project
The Bordeaux Project is dedicated to combining the athleticism of pole with the classic cabaret, burlesque, and theater to create a new and unique aesthetic for audiences. Composed of a collaborative group of artists and performers dedicated to providing high quality performance and production, it was founded in 2012. The Vertical Cabaret was the first professional pole dance production in the Northwest and among one of the only in the USA to create an artistic platform to showcase this vertical art outside of a studio or traditional gentleman’s club. Pole Dance is becoming more widely accepted as both a form of alternative fitness and as an aerial art. Since its birth, the Vertical Cabaret has been a stage for international performers and local artists alike. Resident members have performed and competed professionally in pole/ aerial arts. The growing popularity and media is a direct result of the Bordeaux Project’s work over the last four years.
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