9e2, Evening 2: Keith Salmon ⎮ Mary Sherman ⎮ Thomas Deuel
Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 6pm
Evening 2 of 9e2 features:
Keith Salmon artist talk: Reflections on the Oregon Project.
Salmon, with filmmaker Dan Thornton and Microsoft Researcher Neel Joshi, debut an installation at 9e2 that allows people with visually impairments to "hear" a painting. For evening 2, Keith Salmon will give an artist talk on he evolution of his art practice, the development ofThe Oregon Project for 9e2, and how art and technology can enhance accessibility for people with visual impairments. Salmon, Thornton, and Joshi will give guided tours of the installation from 6-7 pm; talk begins at 7.
Mary Sherman: Eri, After Dark
Sherman’s unique, performative gift was inspired by and made for Benoit Granier’s musical composition Eri. The piece was originally constructed to be easily transported to China, where it first ‘performed’ as part of a live, electro-acoustic concert at the Beijing Conservatory in February 2012. Brought on stage, like a present tied with a bow, Eri, After Dark is then unwrapped.
Eri, an interlude from Granier’s opera Eri, After Dark, is based on Haruki Murakami novel of the same title. The opera follows the life of Murakami’s fictional sisters Mari and Eri in Tokyo, where Eri is lost between two worlds - the real one she is trying to escape and the fantasy one, where she is imprisoned within a television, waiting for her sister to retrieve her.
Mary Sherman’s performance is in part supported by the Boston College Department of Art History, Studio Art and Film.
Thomas Deuel: The Encephalophone Ensemble
Neuroscientist and musician Thomas Deuel, working with composer Marcin Pączkowski, visualist Ben Van Citters, and accompanied by an ensemble of musicians, will produce music and projected visuals in real time directly from his brain waves using his Encephalophone, a brain to music interface.