Climate Science on Tap presents: Climate Change in History and Law from the Enlightenment to the Courthouse
Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7pm
Climate Change in History and Law: From the Enlightenment to the Courthouse
Note: Doors open at 6:00 pm for ticketholders. Come early for a good seat, a beer, tasty food and good conversation! At 6:50 empty seats will be released to those waiting at door. Thanks to those purchasing tickets, as financial your support of the Climate Science on Tap series helps us sustain and expand these climate outreach events. Watch for future events on Facebook or on Cascadia Climate Action. Responding that you plan to come or are interested on Facebook, won't hold a spot. If tickets sell out, we will make a waitlist available. Paid ticketholders should arrive no later than 7:00pm when the event will start.
What is the history of climate change? Who discovered the planet was warming, when, and under what circumstances? And how can law, policy, and the court system be used to respond to this existential threat? While the industrial revolution is often invoked as the start of our climate change woes, environmental historians trace it back to the Enlightenment. The next riveting installment of Climate Science on Tap covers the history of the climate change issue and how law and policy are increasingly important for mitigating and adapting in a warming world. In particular, our panelists will discuss the groundbreaking legal challenge of Juliana v. U.S. and other cases moving through the courts, as well as efforts in the Washington State legislature. Climate change not only has a complex history, but it also has a court date, and one which may well open the next pivotal chapter in the story of our climate. Join us for Climate Science on Tap to learn more!
Oregon Attorney Sean Munger, JD, PhD in History
WA State Representative Joe Fitzgibbon, Chair of House Environment Committee
LuAnne Thompson, PhD, university teacher, researcher, and oceanographer
P Sean McDonald, PhD, university researcher and environmental instructor
Note: All presenters at Climate Science on Tap events, unless otherwise indicated, are participating in their individual and personal capacity, and do not represent the institutions with which they may be associated. Their willingness to donate their time and expertise with the community at these events is enormously generous and greatly appreciated.
Cascadia Climate Action does not take a position on the views expressed or information provided by the panelists or others attending these events. We seek to inform and promote discussion of these important topics so that individuals can reach their own, hopefully well-founded, positions and take appropriate action in support of reversing climate change.