State Street Film Block II:
benefiting UMMC School of Population Health
Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 4:45pm
This event has passed.
Short (14 min.) / Dir. Edward Worthy, Prod. Edward Worthy, Derek Dark, & Danielle Sweets / USA / Drama
A teenager transfers from his predominantly White school to an all-Black school.
Film trailer: https://vimeo.com/282731048/4f89f6b197
Special category: Mississippi, African-American Filmmaker
Doc (76 min.) / Dir. & Prod. Melissa Pace Overholt / Mississippi / Music
Clinton High School in Mississippi created and has sustained the number one show choir in the world for the past 36 years.
Film trailer: https://youtu.be/4zwIrPuH6B0
Special category: Mississippi, Female Filmmaker