Northwest Chocolate Festival
The premier North American gathering of Artisan Chocolate from Around the World

2019: Nov. 9 Saturday (10am-5pm) - Nov. 10 Sunday (10am-5pm)

at Smith Cove Cruise Terminal, Pier 91
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Welcome to the 2019 edition of the largest gathering of artisan chocolate makers in the world. Our exhibitors from 20+countries are prepared to delight your senses with milk chocolate, dark chocolate, inclusion bars, decedent desserts, truffles, bonbons, molten chocolate cakes, and caramels – all made by hand with the finest ingredients – get your taste buds ready for a weekend of pure bliss.

We proudly present the top education program for chocolate lovers - with multiple education stages offering workshops and tasting simultaneously on all stages - beginning at 11am and going all day, both days. Workshops for the home and professional chef, chocolate tasting, cacao and ecology talks, and keynote seminars featuring industry leaders. 

Shop for holiday gifts, relax in the chocolate factory setting or the cocoa jungle, have a glass of wine and take a workshop in our globally renown chocolate education program.

Single Day Pass are Valid for the Selected Day (Sat./Sun.) at your choice, you may join us for the festivities by selecting the day you plan to attend (or get a wekeend pass and come both days!) Single Day Pass are only valid for one day. 

Weekend Pass Tickets are Valid for both days Saturday and Sunday.  

VIP Pass holders join us for Saturday and Sunday with an hour early entry time to the festival (9:00AM entry for VIP). The VIP pass includes All Workshops and access to our VIP Lounge (21+ only). VIP Pass holders recieve a gift bag upon arrival to the festival with special chocolate tastes from our select festival partners.  

Smith Cove Cruise Terminal, Pier 91

2001 West Garfield Street
Seattle, WA 98119

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Smith Cove Cruise Terminal, Pier 91